Monday, April 1, 2019

He Karakia ki a Hine-te-iwaiwa

He Karakia ki a Hine-te-iwaiwa

Ko te whiri
Ko te Whatu
Ko te whakairo
Nāu rā e hine, Nāu mai e Hine ki te whare pora
Ko te whenua
Ko te whakatipu
Ko te whānaungatanga mai
Nāu ra e Hine, Nāu mai e Hine ki te whare tangata
Whakamaua te tai moana
Whakamaua te ira tangata
Whakamaua te aho matua
Whiri whiria kia tina ..... tina
Haumi e Hui e Taiki e
Throughout the stages of weaving
From the first plait
To creating the fibre
To placing the pattern
Hine-te-iwaiwa guardian of this(your domain)
Be near us in the house of weaving
Throughout the stages of pregnancy
From preparing the womb,
To nurturing the growth,
To birthing the child
Hine-te-iwaiwa protector in this your realm
Be near us in the house of procreation
cause the tides to ebb and flow
Source the power to create new life
Weave us with your sacred thread,
To hold fast together

[Nā Nuki Takao 1995]

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